Helpful Tips to Pass Your MoT Test the First Time Around


Are you currently getting your car prepared to pass the MoT test? The MoT test is performed to ensure that your vehicle is not only safe for you to drive, but it’s also safe enough to be on the road with other drivers. Failing this test will prohibit your car from being allowed on the highway, so keep reading to learn some great tips to help you pass your test.

Check Your Tyres

Each tyre must have a tread that has at least 1.66 mm of thickness. If your tyres have any of the following problems, make sure to look for local MoT services in Exeter for new tyres:

  • Cracks
  • Bulging
  • Cuts

Look at Your Lights

Every light on your car must be in perfect working condition. All of your lights, including the number plate lights, must be cleaned, as well. If your lights aren’t working properly, you can typically buy them at any car accessory store.

Your Number Plate

The number plate on your vehicle must be cleaned before you take the MoT test. Your number plate cannot be modified or damaged in any way, so make sure that it looks good from a distance before you get your car checked out.

It shouldn’t be difficult to pass your MoT, but before you attempt to pass it, bring your vehicle to a company that can service your vehicle before the big test. Other than that, as long as you follow these easy tips, your car will receive a pass on the MoT.

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