What Is Safer SUV or Truck?

In 2014 in the US there was a major research about the comparison of safety level and features between the SUVs and trucks. According to the results SUVs and passenger cars today are the safer choice. After that research another scientists…

Top Tips For Buying A Second-Hand Car

If you’ve been driving for a number of years, you’ll be well aware of just how expensive the costs can amount to. We all remember what it was like to be a young adult overwhelmed with excitement at the thought of owning our own car. You…

What is Tipper Insurance?

If you own a shipping business that transports heavy duty, expensive goods using a tipper, it is must to secure the right insurance policy in place. Tipper insurance lets you have peace of mind whenever your vehicle is on the road, so it is…

Lamborghini Ankonian Concept

This is the future Batmobile, at least this is what this concept car’s author hopes for. Slavche Tanevsky named its creation Lamborghini Ankonian and its design would certainly impress even the Pentagon. The designer got the idea of…

How to Get Rid of Your Old and Damaged Car

Do you have an old and damaged car parked outside your house? If the car was hit in an accident and you never got around to getting it repaired, what will you do with it? An old and damaged car is like a heap of junk, taking up space and…

Tips for Looking After your Motorbike

Any motorist will want to look after their vehicle properly, but this is particularly true for motorcycle riders. If you look after your motorbike, your motorbike will look after you and there are a few simple ways to maintain the vehicle…

How to Find a Good Garage

Your car is going to malfunction at some point; that’s just the unfortunate reality of it. An automobile with an internal combustion engine is a machine that travels at high speed across uneven roads. The engine itself contains hundreds of…